Today it started snowing late afternoon and I thought that it would only be a light dusting but it has kept snowing and is getting heavier, it must be about 4-5 inches deep by now, the garden looks so clean and white but unfortunately it's a bit dark to take any pictures yet so I will wait till tomorrow to show you if it stays, although part of me hopes it goes away as I have to walk to the train station tomorrow for work and it will be COLD ! anyway I have been busy this weekend getting my CV sorted, thinking about all the new things I want to make and sell on my Etsy site and the special offer I want to post which I will have to do tomorrow now as it is 11pm and I am flagging... I have made a few Atc's, collage canvases and some little artworks in 3d, I also started on some colourful jewellery but it's not finished so that will have to go on my next post :). My weight loss regime for the new year hasn't taken off either, my will power is just so rubbish ahhh note to self: must try harder !
LOVE that little house!!!!!!! so colorful, so fun! keep blogging lady, 'cause i'm reading!!